Seznam autobazarů

AAA auto

Hodnocení: 3.07 (celkem hodnoceno 1985x)
Přidat recenzi


Již nikdy více nákup na pobočce v Č. Budějovicích. Stále nemám vyřízené nějaké slíbené věci. Nezvedají telefony, nereagují na e- mail. Vyhnout se velkým obloukem.

. - AAA auto

From the cars I saw on their website I didn't see anything in reality and from similar cars the prices were much higher. When I finally found an interesting car, everyone was pushing me to buy it the same day. Luckily I found out that the car had a lot of issues so I left the place immediately.

neprofesionalita - AAA auto

Pokud chcete prodat auto, nedoporučuji. Manipulace, lež, neprofesionalita.

Lži - AAA auto

Kdykoliv jim zavolám kvůli inzerátu ze se mi líbí jedno auto a 99% mi říkají ze už to prodali a jestli by mi můžou nabízet jiné auto!!!!

:-O - AAA auto

It seems that unfortunately their business is going well because they behave as arrogant as can be. Agressive sales techniques from the moment they pick up the phone. "No, this car had no accidents sir !" is what I heard when I asked for a car I liked. When I arrived the car clearly had an accident. "yes, you are right, the car had an accident". When I tried to negotiate a discount (by phone they promised "az 15.000") with the manager who looks he was jumping out of the film Madagascar (the dark lion) :-), I mentioned that I was surprised by the fact that they told me the car had no accident and now I found out it had. The guy did not even care to respond to this remark let alone excuse himself (he just said "I know it had an accident") , then he mentioned coldly that he can give 2.500 czk discount and walked out the door. I'm not buying cars everyday and it's probably difficult to avoid AAA in some cases but here I felt time stopped 20 years ago when this was still common practise. Absolute no intention to help the customers. Fair to mention however that the lady dealing with the finances at the end was smiling and helpful .... Hope my car will last a very long time ;-)

hrozné - AAA auto

Myslel jsem, ze autobazary v dnesni dobe uz nemuzou byt takove jako tomu bylo drive a jakou maji povest, dnes jsem se presvedcil o tom, ze to tak stale je. Do telefonu nic neni problem, auto je ve vybornem stavu a at prijedu dnes. Kdyz jsem prijel na dohodnuty cas 20:00, na 40 minut me usadili do kresla at pockam na technika, technik byl odmereny, zeptal se jen proc jsem neprijel drive... Dovedl me k autu kde mi rekl ze je ko a ze nejde nastartovat a ze za 100000 nemuzu cekat vic, pak me znovu usadil s tim, ze pro me ma neco jineho at pockam, po pul hodine me zavedl do kacelare kde mi nejaky manazer vysvetloval ze pojizdna auta zacinaji na 200000 a ze mi zaridi uver jestli tolik penez nemam. Ze zvedavosti jsem je nechal at mi uver spocitaji, znovu me usadili at pockam nez to spocitaji, za nekolik minut za mnou technik prisel a chtel po mne 2000 zalohu za auto. Kdyz jsem rekl ze nedam zalohu na auto ktere jsem nevidel a ani nevim jaky mi spocitaji uver, rekl mi at prijdu zitra, ze uz je hodne hodin... Nechapave jsem na nej koukal... Omluvil se mi, ze je k tomuhle jednani nuti manazer... Nechapu

Don't trust them - AAA auto

These guys are not fair and only about profit. Don't trust them

- - AAA auto

Místo fajn, velký sortiment, ale obsluha nic moc, ani z počítačem ne ví kde se nachází auto, buď to v Praze, nebo Pardubice. Požádal jsem staršího pána zjistit kde je auto, pokud v Praze, tak se podívát a otestovat, bylo mne řečeno, že v Pardubicích, tak jsem poděkoval a odešel. Jaké bylo překvapení, jak jsem uviděl auto, které jsem hledal, o 50 metrů dál, na parkovišti. Prostě nekompetentní.....

... - AAA auto

Auto, které jsem v AAA koupila ani ne před dvěma měsíci, jsem právě odvezla do servisu. A považuji ze velké štěstí, že jsem při jízdě nezabila sebe nebo někoho dalšího, když mi auto zničehonic "chcíplo" a volant rázem zatuhl a nedal se ovládat. Tak asi tolik k AAA. Nenechte se dotlačit ke koupi, opravdu si auto řádně prověřte!

Absolutely arrogant and condescending - AAA auto

Absolutely arrogant and condescending. We inquired about a car online, a very nice man called and asked several questions (nationality, visa, income, financing etc etc etc etc) and then set an appointment for us. He even sent a driver to pick us up in Prague. Everything seemed fine. Then we arrived.. There was no appointment. No knowledge of us. Everyone pretended not to speak English even though they could clearly understand us. Eventually some "salesman" connected with us and asked "what do you want? Why are you here? Why do you want THIS car? It's not even here, it's in Brno.." I told him I don't care, I'm just interested in automatic cars and he rolled his eyes and said "you're not the only one here, I can't sit here and show you EVERY car!" I don't know what I want.. It's the salesman's job to tell me what I want. Is it not? I am here, make a sale. After showing me a bunch of beat up, overpriced cars, he showed me some acceptable car. Ok, let's talk about financing. He gave us a number, we sat down, and he went to the recepionist to flirt for 15 minutes, returned and told us "a loan can only be as long as your visa according to law set by the Czech bank, sorry" which is absolutely a lie. This guy wasn't going to deal with us from the beginning. Complete waste of time. How any business can operate this way is a mystery.

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